The Second Life of Wood
Why My Products are Unique
All the wood I use for my items is reclaimed from discarded furniture, condemned trees, structures, construction waste, and found items. Here are some examples of how I transform wood headed to the waste stream in beautiful and useful items.
Discarded IKEA bed Folding laundry rack
Discarded Shipping Pallets Pallet Bowl
Storm-damaged honey locust Honey locust bowl
Condemned silver maple Silver maple vase
White oak slabs found in a barn White oak charcuterie board
Storm-damaged red cedar Red cedar lidded containers
Oak legs from discarded table Oak snack bowls
1940s Maple headboard Maple toast tongs
Antique piano wood Evergreen trees
Fir wood from 1920s garage Laminated fir vase
Condemned black walnut Black walnut spreaders
Piece of oak from an antique threshing machine Oak bowl
Oak futon frame Cutting board
Fir 2 x 4s reclaimed from garbage Laminated fir bowl
Antique oak Oak and walnut cutting board
furniture clamp
Maple kitchen table legs Salt cellars